The Gayhurst Archive

As part of our commitment to the community, we are hosting ‘The Gayhurst Archive’.

Drawn from many sources this aims to provide as full a documented record as we can provide of the history of the Parish.

In particular, we wish to acknowledge the co-operation, support and generosity of The Stoke Goldington Association who hold a vast array of documents and images relating to the GATE Group of Parishes (see also

It is intended that the Archive will be a publicly available record for parishioners of the GATE Group, interested researchers, and the general public.

Gayhurst has a long and interesting story to tell.  It starts in the Bronze Age, runs through the Roman occupation, is mentioned in the Domesday Book, and on to medieval times.  It briefly involves Sir Francis Drake, then has a key role in the Gunpowder Plot and the chequered history of the family involved.  Now comes the Georgian reconstruction of the house and the new village as we know it.  At its height, the Estate grew to encompass most of Stoke Goldington.  More recently, it played a key role as an Outstation to Bletchley Park in WWII. 

Turning our store of information into a useful and searchable database is likely to take us some time.  If you would like to help make this happen, or have items you are willing to share with others through our endeavours, please use the form on our CONTACT page to talk to our Archivist. 

Meantimes, this page remains ‘Under Development’.